On 10/02/2017 10:59, Graeme Gregory wrote:

On Fri, 10 Feb 2017, at 10:55 AM, Rich Mellor wrote:
On 10/02/2017 10:49, Graeme Gregory wrote:
On Fri, 10 Feb 2017, at 10:25 AM, Rich Mellor wrote:
Taking account of my ongoing health issues, I have been considering what
would be best for the QL Wiki and other community projects which I
currently run (such as the Z88 forums, the ZX80/ZX81 forums and the
Sinclair QL GitHub).

Looking at what happened with World of Spectrum when Marjin was unable
to continue with the site, it is important to consider the long term
viability and what should happen if I (for example) were to walk under a
bus tomorrow. My health issues also mean that I no longer have the time
or energy to continue in the way that I have been.

My family would not really know what to do with the forums - and would
not continue to pay for the hosting. There is also not really anyone
else involved in the administration of the site. I also think that the
QL Wiki is itself a barrier to people being involved, as there are
certain people out there who cannot see beyond the fact that it was set
up by me initially and is hosted on my server - so seem to think that it
is my duty to update it!

After deliberation, I think the answer is to set up a non-profit
organisation (Sinclair World ?) which could then own these resources and
be responsible for their maintenance, improvement and upkeep. It would
take some fund raising to set up the organisation, as well as willing
hands to set everything up and create the necessary constitution,
book-keeping etc to keep it viable.

What do others think - and who are the willing hands?

I wonder if we could get van/rob interested in this as part of qlforum

QL-Users Mailing List

I think it is probably more a case that the non-profit organisation
would take over the QL Forum too - and maybe Van / Rob would be
interested in helping to run the organisation...

I did think about Quanta (of course), but they don't have enough willing
hands to help with their website and their membership model is too

What is the overhead on setup and maintenance of an NFP in UK? My only
experience is in Germany where it was a bit of a bawache to setup. But
once setup was basically just a yearly form.

QL-Users Mailing List

Probably about the same over here - there are annual accounts to be done (and audited) and sent for tax (although the UK is moving to a system of quarterly tax returns) - nothing else would have to be done on an annual basis.

Initial setup costs are just preparation of the constitution (Quanta's could be used as a starting point), opening accounts etc and then the costs of hosting fees, domain names etc....

The main cost would come if the organisation wanted to try for charitable status, or decided to register for VAT so that they could at least recoup the VAT on everything that was paid for.

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services
Specialist Enuuk Auction Programming Services


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