Hi Rich,

I've got a Spectrum version or two and I think a QL version, Tim mentioned
yesterday he'd got his QL copy running as well as an Atmos copy.

I'll have a look tonight.



On 20 March 2017 at 10:21, Rich Mellor <r...@rwapservices.co.uk> wrote:

> Good morning all,
> Does anyone have a copy of the Quill adventure writer by Gilsoft?
> Tim Gilberts (who ran Gilsoft) has been looking into this and found a
> version A03 copy.  I myself only have version A00.
> Tim asked if anyone has a later version than A03.
> --
> Rich Mellor
> RWAP Services
> Specialist Enuuk Auction Programming Services
> www.rwapservices.co.uk
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