
just a few thoughts.

I will try to recup the main ones and I would appreciate if anybody could
help fixing them or at least providing ideas on how other QL users could

1) SMSQ/E for Aurora does not read anymore DD floppy disks. Everything was
working till 2.91. From the tests did on some SMSQ/E version we found 2.95
has the bug, 2.98 crashes, 3.03 has the bug

The version of SMSQE I got was 2.99.
If the bug pre-existed, as it seems to be the case, then I can't find out what, if anything, has changed since. The chances of me finding out what causes the bug are then next to inexistent.

2) SMSQ/E for QXL
- DISP_SIZE 512,256 - works OK
- DISP_SIZE 640,480 - works OK
- DISP_SIZE 800,600 - no error but the resolution is 640x480
- DISP_SIZE 1024,768 - no error but the resolution is 640x480

- DISP_SIZE 512,256 - works OK
- DISP_SIZE 640,480 - works OK
- DISP_SIZE 800,600 - no error but the screen is corrupted and unreadable
- DISP_SIZE 1024,768 - no error but the screen is corrupted and unreadable

So the maximum possible resolution is 640x480

BAUD returns an error

On what versions?
Here, some work was done on the QXL PC side by Bruno Coativy in 2006, an avid QXL user at that time. I'm pretty sure that he would have noticed the screen problems. I think I also tested the QXL version (but I'm not entirely sure anymore) and I would have noticed the screen problems. The QXL version needs at least a 386.

IIRC, bugs 1 & 2  were brought up by Andrea Carpi.
I already had a look at the code for both bugs but couldn't find out why this is happening.

I would like to know whether there is anybody out there, apart from Andrea, who is still using a QXL. If so, do they have the same problem?

3) SMSQ/E for Gold Card does not initialise external interface.

I don't recollect this having been brought to my attention before. I'll correct it in the next version of SMSQE.

I guess it does not make sense to spend effort for SMSQ/E for QXL, but the
issues on the GC/SGC/Aurora versions I think would deserve at least a try.

Both deserve a try, and both have already got a try from me, unfortunately without success.

Any feedback and contributions to the above findings would be welcome.

Agreed, especially about the "contributions" part...

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