On 23/11/2022 14:51, François Van Emelen via Ql-Users wrote:
Op 22/11/2022 om 13:26 schreef pjwitte via Ql-Users:
Does anyone know whats going on here?
Could this solve your problem?

100 ch = FOPEN("con"): CLS#ch
110 test ch, 25
120 print#ch,"hit a key to stop" :PAUSE#ch,-1
130 CLOSE#ch
140 :
150 DEFine PROCedure test(coucou, a)
160 PRINT#ch; coucou,a
180 END DEFine test

Only replaced 'ch' as first parameter with 'coucou'

tested in QD sbas/qd and ex the file

François Van Emelen

Thanks for playing, François,

But its not MY problem. It is A problem. I normally manage to work around it these days, as I do numerous other little quirks and "features".

It only became a problem for me 'tother day  after I merged some some well-tested library routines with a larger project, not realising that some of my global variables happened to have the same name as the parameters of some function (Duh!) Then I wasted a stressful hour and a half trying to figure out why the program would just hang without there being anything "wrong" with it. (It compiled with Qlib and the Turbo parser did not report any relevant errors, etc.) I made some changes and then I kept getting nonsense structural errors instead. In other words a huge time waster; just the sort of thing to put people off writing decent, modern programs  in SBASIC for SMSQ/E!

That being said, I dont expect anyone to try to fix it! It takes some skill and, more importantly, "being in the picture". Ie it takes time to get into the thing, especially if it has been a while. And bug hunting can be a dreadful, time consuming business even for the best.

At least by bringing it up here, where there still appears to be some interest in SMSQ/E and QL software, people may be made aware and save themselves some head/heartache.

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