I must agree with u Phoebus, Corel Draw is by far the best example of a
complete drawing package.

Their is so much u can do with the program, it even imports all formats,
including .ai format, and exports all formats again including .ai format,
which is dead handy for converting clip-art for LineDesign.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Phoebus Dokos
Sent: 22 April 2001 15:25
Subject: Re: [ql-users] LineDesign

At 08:06 ðì 22/4/2001, you wrote:
>Hi All
>In Quanta April 2001 John Terry is not happy with the present state of
>LineDesign and says he knows plenty of PC programs which will do what he
>wants ( in particular for him "Convert to Curves").
>LineDesign is a fabulous piece of work and has many possibilities for
>drawing etc. However if someone knows of a near equvalent program for
>PC/Windows i would like to hear about it. (I have my doubts it exists!)
>Ian Pizer, 49 ch. Machery, 1292 Chambesy, Geneva.
>e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] tel.41227581410

I hate to say it but by far Corel Draw! is one of the most complete
programs for drawing in the world.
I've been using it since it was GEM based (version 1 ca.1987) and even in
that very primitive version it was by far more versatile than LineDesign.
It does practically... EVERYTHING.


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