On 10/19/01 at 8:39 PM Malcolm Cadman wrote:

>>The wafer technology was of course based on chip technology and design
>>testing procedures of the time. Today it would actually be easyer to
>>produce them...

>Very interesting, Nasta.  As you say the technology is always moving on,
>and what was 'difficult' to achieve 10 to 15 years ago, is now everyday
>So, the patents for Sinclairs' version of 'wafers' has long since gone
>to other companies ?

Probably. I learned from Catt's page that they went back to the bank, who
no doubt sold them somewhere to make money off of them to pay the debts.
Speaking of various interesting technologies, I wonder what happened to
Sinclair's asynchronous microprocessor. That would have been a great
project too, especially since some people at the Frauenhoffer isntitute
(IIRC) developed it quite far, using self-handshake logic instead of
clocked logic.


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