"Dilwyn Jones"                                                     
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        
                    net.co.uk>                   cc:                                   
                    Sent by:                     Subject:     Re: [ql-users] Psion 
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                              
                    01/11/2001 21:09                                                   
                    Please respond to                                                  

Dilwyn wrote:-

>Wish QL Today was able to print colour pictures...

have you looked into doing  the occasional colour page and inserting it
into the mag prior to stapling it?

Cost would be a factor, but surely not if it was one every few issues, or
even a colour front cover?

Mind you I seem to recall a debate about this a while ago, so maybe  I'm
opening a can of worms again.....



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