k>, Norman Dunbar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

>Sorry for the off topic post, but I've just been informed by NTL that the
>Cable & Wireless internet service I've been using for years (CWCOM) is to be
>binned on 30th November 2001.

Yes, that has been a good service.  A friend of mine has used it since
it began.

>I have been offered a replacement of a free ntlworld connection, but this is
>only for people who have an NTL cable connection - which I don't.

Typical !

>All my Ql stuff, HTML tutorial etc is now looking for a new home and I'm
>looking for suggestions :
>       It doesn't have to be free - my wife has a business and we can go
>through that
>       I need at least 5 email addresses
>       10-20 Mb web space
>       Good reliability - Alison goes ape sh*t when she cannot connect
>(it's a woman thing !)
>       etc etc
>I'm thinking of Demon which I know some of you out there use. Any problems ?
>It also means that my email address is going to change (my home on that is)
>- I hate that !
>Please, to keep off topic traffic to a minimum, could you reply direct to
>the address below - thanks.
>I need a UK based one please :o)

There are several is the 'top ten' of reliability ... and durability too
:-)  Any computer magazine that has reviewed ISP's will list their pros
and cons, etc.  Expect to pay up to 15ukp a month for a full service.

I would recommend Demon as you do get a complete service, and your own
domain name, unlimited email addresses, etc ... you even a decent
magazine sent to you.

But, do the research and take your choice ...

Malcolm Cadman

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