Phoebus Dokos wrote:
>>I asked for a new Sinclair Machine (QL 2K1???)... see how well that
>>with Santa ;-)
Well, Marcel did sort of oblige us with QPC2 v3 with a lot of changes
I;m interested in anyway!

>Maybe I'm sounding a bit too arogant here, but I just noticed Nasta
is an
>anagram of Santa :-) Too bad I don't have the elves to help me
around, if I
>did, GoldFire and a few other things would have long been finished!

He he, now we know why so many QL goodies came from Croatia over the
years ;-)

>Anyway, merry Christmas everyone - I'll be away from the net too for

Have a happy Christmas, saNta, don't work too hard ... I trust Rudolph
and the sled are taking you back to Croatia for a while?
Dilwyn Jones

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