On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 04:48:03PM -0000, Norman Dunbar wrote:
> [RZ]If the general consensus (as you claim) is that more than 80% of talk on
> [RZ]this list should be devoted to some M$ virus nonsense he won't be the
> last 
> [RZ}one to quit. 
> Well, I never claimed 80%, or indeed any figures, so where you get 80% from
> I have no idea. 

it was approximately 80% of trafic the last few days and you were 
defending this practice, simple conclusion.
> [RZ}Are we back to the kindergarten after almost 20 years existence
> [RZ}of the QL?
> Peter certainly is - I'm not, and I don't suspect anyone else here is
> either.

I suspect Peter is trying to do something useful with his time.
It is kindergarten attitude however when we receive advices on
something as trivial as reading mail.

> [RZ}Btw, out of 821 messages I have (selectively) archived of this group 
> [RZ}a mere 172 were sent using Outlook. Eudora 262, Turnpike 68, Bat 37, 
> [RZ}sylpheed 24, Lotus 6, Calypso 59, Mozilla 51, kmail 27, talk 1, 
> [RZ}pine 69, mutt 91. Totally incomplete and unrepresentative survey.
> So, not many non-PCs there then perhaps ?

it doesn't matter how many PC's or whatever, the point was that Outlook
specific issues are interesting only for a fraction of the readers.
Btw many of the listed mailers run on different platforms so the above 
survey doesn't tell much about the computers people use.

> What is wrong with a polite email asking people to take it privately if they
> want to finish the discussion, or please try to keep the discussions on QL
> related subjects etc. But to come on in and effectively resign just because
> a few emails not to his liking were received is a bit over the top.

Just a few emails? How many discussions did we have in the last 6 months 
 - Outlook and viruses
 - How to prevent Outlook from sending HTML mail

People voiced their concern about this repeatedly but it didn't help much 

We should tolerate a modest level of offtopic messages but the last
4 virus discussions were a bit too much.


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