In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Phoebus
R. Dokos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>At 06:49 μμ 18/2/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>>Phoebus R. Dokos wrote:
>> > > Well, just think of QXL user ! at most 8 Megs.
>> > You are right of course. In any case hidden refresh a-la PEX/PICE would
>> > solve most problems
>>Solve the problem of memory consumption? How?
>> > (at least for the thing I wanna do... -sprites-)
>>Well, where exactly is your problem? I don't see any relation to
>>memory constraints or PEX.
>Oh you misunderstood me...
>What I meant is that you won't have to move the ENTIRE screen memory, only 
>a part at a time. And that would be the area of the sprites :-) (Which is 
>by default smaller due to their size)

What are you writing ?  Presumably a game of some type :-)

The usual way, despite all your other intentions which are probably
valid, is to only update that part of the screen where new activity
occurs ... and leave the rest alone.

Malcolm Cadman

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