On  Thu, 21 Feb 2002 at 15:22:56, you wrote:

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>Malcolm Cadman wrote:-
>>>David Gilham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>I know that this one is no longer valid for David Gilham.
>>>When I next see him I will get him to mail you his current one.
>>>The info on your mail was very interesting, thanks.
>>>Malcolm Cadman
>>As far as I know, Dave's new email address is :-
>Yes, I know of that one, yet even that may not be currently valid.
'tis valid.
>I know that David use 'internet cafes' for his web access, not his home
>system.  So the 'totalise' was the one that he changed to.
>Of course, Tony, can mail him to confirm ... which I suspect he has
>already done, knowing how efficient he is :-)
No need - he emailed me  (8-)#

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