On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

> IIRC the problem with video output is different from the Audio one (ie
> there's no "disconnection" of the drive) meaning you just don
> 't tell the drive to start and just leave it alone after that. On any QDOS
> based system esp. due to slave blocking as has been proven time and again,
> the playback would be erratic (very much so). MPEG2 software based playback
> takes a severe toll on even fast PCs so unless you have an MPEG2 decoder as
> you said I don't think it can be done (But with the ARM-QL it will and with
> GoldFire too due to the DSP capability)

Ok, I'm talking Intel here, so you'll have to take the relative
performance capabilities of different architectures into account, but...

For software DVD playback, with a single-tasking OS, you need 200MHz+, and
decode times may exceed the time available if the image is particularly
complex, or has a lot of movement.

For a multitasking OS, add 50MHz at least.

It won't likely be coming to a QL near you anytime soon.


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