Ian Pine wrote:

> In my opinion we should be looking at small tweaks to the OS,
> finding opportunities to make it more efficient, adding only enough
> features to make it keep up with hardware developments, while
> keeping it compact.
> Larger projects should certainly be developed, but they should be in
> the form of application layers, that can be loaded or not, as the
> user chooses.
> If it moves too far from the original QL look & feel - more
> Windows-like or more Unix-like and users aren't given the choice of
> which interface style to use, the platform will lose its identity,
> then what is there to make us choose it over a PC running one of
> those other operating systems?  Perhaps we should take a risk and
> stay defiantly different - that might attract some new users who are
> curious, attracted precisely because it IS different.  But some of
> the minor irritations need to be tidied up first.

I agree. SMSQDOS will never be a mainstream OS and if we try to make
it one we'll just end up losing its distinctive character.

Also, we should be wary of asking for too much and ending up with
nothing. Marcel and Jochen have reluctantly concluded that if anything
is going to get done, they're going to have to do it. We should be
grateful for whatever they are able to do to WMAN and encourage them
to make further "surgical strikes" on SMSQ/E .


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