On 27 Mar 2002, at 1:44, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

> (hmmm civilised and Greek at the same sentence :-)

Ok, say we'll admit that Greece is the cradle of modern 

> 2. There are (as Dave and me among others) some differences between what 
> you originally said and your clarifications UNLESS I didn't understand you 
> completely

I have no problem with not being clear from time to time. That's why 
the need to clarify.

> 3. The details of distribution esp. to cover people with no other means of 
> getting the software using IRCs instead of money (if they CANNOT get the 
> IRCs in the first place), need to be "cleared" up a little bit. 
> (..)- Please Wolfgang, find some better way to do this. I am 
> willing to help in this aspect (as you can see from my other emails).

I have had IRCs from people in the US...
I suggested IRCs because that is a convenient way of paying for 
the postage.
I will NEVER refuse to send the sources to somebody who 
genuinely can't send me IRCs.

> 4. Contradictions between the text you originally submitted and your 
> clarifications must be eliminated :-)

I agree. I just don't find that many :-).

> 5. ESPECIALLY for hardware designers, I think that a provision should be 
> made so they will be able to distribute some form of binaries (especially 
> in ROMS) to avoid the problems vividly illustrated in QL-Developers by 
> Peter (You do read that list don't you?).

No, I'm sorry, I don't. If I remember correctly, at the time that list 
was created, there was some talk of being vetted to be allowed in (I 
might have this wrong), so I never bothered. 

Could you ask Peter (or Claus) to copy their mesages to this list -
or could you copy the relevant messages to this list?
> In any case we cannot argue that this isn't one of the most significant 
> developments in the QL just shy of the announcement of Colour drivers!

That we all agrre on. 
On second thought, that we (most of us) agree on...
It's absolutely no problem voicing your opinions/concerns.
 - on the contrary -
The only thing is that I won't be replying right now to each 
message. I prefer to have a bundle of questions/opinions that I can 
treat all at once AFTER THE EASTER WEEKEND (I'm taking a 
few days off and going to London).

Please, let me have this respite...


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