----- Original Message -----
From: "Dexter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 2:47 AM
Subject: [ql-users] QL Forum

> Hi all,
> Well, I'm scratching my head...
> I really want to do something constructive for the QL community. I'm
> working on the soon-to-be-released Qeyboard. I've done some work on a QL
> ethernet interface, which is now incorporated into Qubide 2 as etheride...
> And I set up a forum that nobody uses... :o)
> I have a web server sat here 99.9% idle, and it's up for whatever people
> have actual use for. It looks like the QL forum is not a hit. So, what is
> needed? Tell me, and I'll do my best. :o)

Qpaintshop Pro

Well you did ask

All the best - Bill

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