On  Sun, 14 Apr 2002 at 16:38:20, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

>Boot file loads the following:
>SMSQ/E 2.91
>QLiberator runtimes
>Time to boot using a 2 Mb RomDisq (From the F1/F2 prompt till windows
>set up and everything): 12.8 sec. (Cache_off and SCR2EN)
>Same thing with a 26x PQI Flash card : 18.3 sec
>With a WDC36400 (2 Mb Cache on board): 22.6 sec
>I think that this says it all...
Of course, there is fixed QL processing time here as well.
This means that the actual physical read from RomDisq is, in percentage
terms, even better.
In my measurements, I found RomDisq read at 2mbyte per second.
What is the physical read speed of CF and HD I wonder?

To test, I copied a 1mb file a 100 times to ramdisk.  To ensure slave
blocks had minimal effect, I loaded first to ram, and then did
ALCHP(free_memory - 2000) - or some similar value to 2000 until the
following would run:

FOR j= 1 to 100:COPY_O rom1_file to ram1_file
>I will provide the list with more "scientific" results once I perform
>them (soon I hope :-)
Above method might be a better way - it eliminates the fixed processing

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