At 01:39 μμ 22/4/2002, you wrote:

> >
> > Thierry has been a point to me for many years now.
> > QBOX USA are also, but I have not had anything from them for a long
> > while now - is it still going?
> >
>QBox-USA has been down for a few weeks now.  The power supply died and while
>I got that replaced I was looking through the logs and noticing that the BBS
>had received very few callers over the past year or so.  I also started
>looking at the increasing costs of the phone line, when I started Qbox-USA
>the phone line ran approx US$15 per month.  Now it's getting close to $30.
>I think the lack of use is due to most people being on the net these days
>maybe not directly with a QL but still on and probably with a local phone
>call (or DSL/cable modem).  Could also have something to do with the fact
>that the BBS was a little out of date and I haven't had the time to maintain
>it other than basic functionality.  There are a lot of web sites out there
>with more current stuff than the BBS had.
>So I decided to shut it down and cancel the phone line, the extra $30 a
>month will be put to good use.  I think it had a good run and was definitely
>very heavily used for a few years.  We started it around September 1993 with
>'94 - '97 probably it's peak years.  I have no regrets running it as long as
>we did but I think it's time has come and gone.

That's actually a good choice in a way... I called the Q-Box BBS twice last 
year and surely were totally depressed whenever I received my phone bill! 
It was actually more expensive to call Michigan (It is Michigan isn't it?) 
than Greece or Germany - Heck is more expensive to call Pittsburgh and I am 
only 90 mi. away from it :-). The way rates are, It will cost me less to 
call TFS bbs or JMS mailbox instead of Michigan! and I suspect that many 
other users had the same problem. Indeed the files were very old and you 
could tell they weren't maintained as a message I left never got 
answered... That's not by any means a bad thing, every one has a personal 
life and hobbies many times take too much time out of it. Nonetheless with 
a fully functional TCP/IP very soon now, Websites like the SMS repository 
(that I currently host) as well as forums as Dave's ( and 
vendors websites can surely fill the gap.


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