Do you mean like :


So you want to delete win1_top_ and get everything under it deleted as well

If so, then unfortunately, you can't.
However, with a bit of coding, you can. You have to code up a routine that
opens the directory and reads from it.
For each entry where the name is not length zero
if the file type is 255 (miracle hard disc, QPC and QXL 'hard' disc) then
   recurse into this as a directory
end if
delete the file (if it was a directory, it should be empty by now !)

For an example of recursing down a directory tree form any given start
point, see the source code for WinBack as available on Dilwyn's web site.
This uses a procedure called check_dir - as shown below (it uses DJToolkit)
to open and read from directories. (FOPEN_DIRECTORY, FREAD_DIRECTORY and
END_OF_DIRECTORY). I'm sure you can extract the meat from the bones and get
something useful from it.


4745 DEFine PROCedure check_dir(d$)
4750   LOCal name_len%, curr_d$(40), curr_f$(41), entry$(64), loop
4755   LOCal qdos, err_loop, err1_loop, key(1)
4760   :
4765   REMark ** Process each directory entry in turn, ignoring nulls,  **
4770   REMark ** if a sub-directory is found, process it if required, if**
4775   REMark ** a data or program file is found then dump it to floppy **
4780   REMark ** if it has been updated since the last archive was done **
4785   :
4790   level = level + 1
4795   curr_d$ = d$
4800   REPeat err_loop
4805      qdos = FOPEN_DIRECTORY(curr_d$)
4810      IF qdos < 0
4815         abandon qdos, 'Cannot open directory ' & curr_d$
4820      ELSE 
4825         EXIT err_loop
4830      END IF 
4835   END REPeat err_loop
4840   directories = directories + 1
4845   update_tv 1
4850   REPeat loop
4855     IF END_OF_DIRECTORY(#qdos) THEN EXIT loop: END IF 
4860     CURSOR_ON #main !
4865     key = INKEY$(#main, 5)
4870     CURSOR_OFF #main
4875     IF key = escape
4880        aborted = 1: REMark ** Who pressed ESC then ? **
4885        EXIT loop
4890     END IF 
4895     IF key = SHIFT_F4
4900        show_title
4905        tv
4910        update_tv 1
4915        update_tv 2
4920        show_free_space
4925     END IF 
4930     entry$ = FREAD_DIRECTORY$(#qdos)
4935     IF entry$ = '' THEN NEXT loop: END IF 
4940     name_len% = word%(entry$(15 TO 16))
4945     IF NOT (name_len%) THEN NEXT loop: END IF 
4950     curr_f$ = curr_d$(1 TO 5) & entry$(17 TO (17 + name_len% - 1))
4955     IF CODE(entry$(6)) = 255
4960        :
4965        REMark ** Sub-directory **
4970        :
4975        IF do_subs
4980           :
4985           REMark ** Processing all sub-directories **
4990           :
4995           check_dir (curr_f$)
5000           IF aborted THEN EXIT loop : END IF 
5005           update_tv 1
5010        ELSE 
5015           :
5020           REMark ** Not processing any sub-directories **
5025           :
5030           NEXT loop
5035        END IF 
5040     ELSE 
5045        :
5050        REMark ** Data or program file **
5055        :
5060        REPeat err1_loop
5065          file_size = FILE_length(curr_f$)
5070          IF file_size < 0
5075             abandon file_size, 'Cannot read header of ' & curr_f$
5080             NEXT err1_loop
5085          END IF 
5090          EXIT err1_loop
5095        END REPeat err1_loop
5100        files = files + 1
5105        t_file_size = t_file_size + file_size
5110        updated = FILE_update(curr_f$)
5115        archived = FILE_backup(curr_f$)
5120        update_tv 2
5125        IF (updated > archived) OR do_all
5130           :
5135           REMark ** File updated since last backup taken or  **
5140           REMark ** the user requested all files be archived **
5145           :
5150           IF list_only
5155              f_archived = f_archived + 1
5160              lprint curr_f$
5165           ELSE 
5170              archive_file (curr_f$), (file_size)
5175           END IF 
5180        ELSE 
5185           :
5190           REMark ** File not changed since last backup taken **
5195           :
5200           f_narchived = f_narchived + 1
5205        END IF 
5210     END IF 
5215     update_tv 1
5220     update_tv 2
5225   END REPeat loop
5230   CLOSE_DIRECTORY #qdos
5235   level = level - 1
5240 END DEFine check_dir

Norman Dunbar
Database/Unix administrator
Lynx Financial Systems Ltd.
Tel: 0113 289 6265
Fax: 0113 289 3146

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Grunditz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 3:39 PM
Subject: [ql-users] recursive delete


How do I do a recursive delete in qdos ?

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