After the recent unfortunate, sometimes uninformed, and sometimes
downright silly emails in ql-users about the SMSQ/E license, I was
absolutely delighted to get a letter from an 'octogenarian' customer
(one of the very few customers of any age this year) this morning to
remind me what I like about the QL scene, and why I am still around.

I repaired her QL (for the second time after a ten year gap), but forgot
to tell her in advance that replacement mdv hardware was extra.  I
simply scribbled a note on the invoice saying something like that, and
that it was her lucky day as she got it free.

Incidentally the new membrane I fitted in 1990 was still in working
order, though brittle.  It supported my theory that the main reason
membranes fail inside closed QLs is that the tails were bent very hard
back on themselves by Thorn-EMI just as they emerge from under the metal
plate.  Give the tails a gentle curve and the membrane will last - even
after it becomes brittle.

Here is her reply:

Dear Sir,

Forgive the formality. I don't know your name.

I think you really should know just how much your
cryptic message on my invoice (No. S07585) encouraged me.
It came at a time when other things were not going well and
my spirits were low. It was not just the sparing of my bank
account, very welcome with Christmas galloping up, but the
integrity and generosity translated into action and the
humerous [sic] explanation. As an octogenarian I deeply
appreciate that. Thank you very much.

It is great to have my QL back in service.

Yours sincerely,

I cannot but think it good that she is not on the internet (she could
have guessed 'tony' from my email) - but maybe she will read all about
it in Quanta (8-(#
         QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
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