Hello Everybody!

I am SO tired of that endless piracy discussion. The only highlight of the
last days was the nice story of that old lady which Tony told. But that is
just one drop of normality in an endless ocean of rubbish. This is my
advice to the involved parties:
get your duel pistons out, involve lawyers, do whatever you want - but
please stop using this community like a hostage!

I remember someone asked if someone would prepare a QL calendar for next
year (unfortunately I deleted all ql-users mails recently, because I was so
frustrated by all those tons of ...). But anyways - that IS a good question,
isn't it? My spontaneous answer would have been: Quanta Claus -
who else? But since we are all adults (more or less) we know that Quanta
Claus does not really exist.

Must admit at the moment I do only have a very rough idea how such a
calendar could be like (I never had one before because I just started into
the QL adventure this summer). I really would like to contribute to the
effort to create one. Could we start a discussion on that subject???

Kind Regards!


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