At 00:19 08/11/2002, you wrote:

??? 7/11/2002 6:37:57 ??, ?/? Tony Firshman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ??????:

>> I would have thought a property magnate ( sheds ) with access to the
>>ear of Radio 4 would have been a natural (;-)
>... and I now have seven sheds.

Hmmm a clear win for PM Blair's policies.... Maybe they should turn it into party motto... "We provide sheds to the shedless (less as in less than 7 ;-P
Hmm.... I have a shed roof in my garden, but someone seems to have nicked the shed. Either that, or the roof is actually someone elses and a previous tenant at this place nicked the roof...

BTW speaking of parties, which was that UK party? .. the one with the totally crazy name and the crazier members??
The Monster Raving Loony Party. Used to be led by Screaming Lord Sutch, until his untimely death (suicide by hanging). It is now led by his cat. Their website:

Funnily enough, some of the policies they've put forward in the past have since become law... Maybe the lunatics really are running the asylum...
Cheers, Ade.
Be where it's at, B-Racing!

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