Just a share, and maybe someone can help me too...

I recently get the smsq/e source and I tried to compile it for my Q40.
(As part of my first step before entering any patch-frenzy mode...).

The How-to is great, but I nevertheless encountered the following problem:
 - I'm using Qmac, no problem so far (excepted that my configuration of qmac was
tune for C68, expecting *_sm file instead of *_asm, and that I do not know if
the default branch for SMSQ/E should be short or long... going back in menuconfig 
solved that, at least for now).
 - I tried to hot_load() the various exe as described in the how-to, but they did not 
show up in the list of things anyway. Reverting to executable then...
 - dev8_exe_Make seems to need .35 toolkit, whereas I only have a modified .36
   This might be the source of the problem with dev8_exe_Make that I have:
   It stops rather rapidly with an error. Looks like it does not like Q_ERR_ON
   and Q_ERR_OFF (I reverted to the basic (uncompiled) versions).
   There also seems to be a problem with a subs$ array but I did not understood that 
   Anyway, at worst, I could always revert to some C68 makefile, requesting to compile 
every _asm file, then concatenating them as now (once I understand how it is done). If 
that really necessary, but it does not seems to need such 

So, after a merge of make_bas (and a renum) with dev8_smsq_q40_make_bas,
I was finally able to compile some files... and a few editing later to comment out 
some offending lines, I even get a "Finished" message...

Then I loaded dev8_smsq_q40_flp_bas (just following the how-to again), and run it.

And there come my biggest problem: it seems to need a dev8_qmon_q40_smsq file,
ALAS, I did not see any qmon directoty at the root of the source...

Did any one succeed to recompile SMSQ/E for a Q40 so far ?
How did you do (or what do I need to get) ?

Also: It seems there is some dev1_ used in some files somewhere,
but that's of no importance thanks to dev_use 1,xxx (just duplicating xxx as dev8_ and 
dev1_ )

-- Grimbert Jérôme 

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