Geoff Wicks wrote:-

>Sorry I can't give any firm suggestions about dates or give a firm promise
>to be there at this notice. Having said that I would want to give a
>show a high priority because of what I have earlier said on this list
>the need to break the stranglehold the South East has on shows. I would
>probably choose Norwich over one of the more established workshops.

I would agree, I sometimes get letters from QLers in the north of England
asking for a set show a year up there somewhere - I think it should be a
priority to get a show up there once a year. I think Tarquin has the energy
and committment to get it going, which is why I'll try hard to be there -
despite the lack of funds these days with junior... :-))

>Please don't be put off by what I am now going to write.

>The show agenda for early next year is beginning to look crowded. London
>Norwich are now being planned and we can also expect Hove and a QUANTA AGM
>all before end April/early May. (Although given that QUANTA now no longer
>has respect for its own constitution, it must be seen as being an
>unreliable, loose cannon.) Practically I think it unlikely that I would be
>able to attend all these workshops and I think this will probably true of
>most traders, particularly those who have long distances or overnight
>to get to shows.

I agree too. I unlike most of the other traders have a particularly
difficult time gettting to shows, all of them involve an often expensive
plane or ferry ticket and an overnight stay, a bit like Jochen. Not to
mention the crazy prices in those Welcome Break services thingys you have
over there - why do you put up with those prices? I remember paying over 50
quid for 4 cod n'chips once - Madness.

But, however, the point is I still do it. I enjoy it, and I have many very
good, trusted, and close friends in the QL community - all of the traders
for starters. I'll try to get too as many shows as I can, by that is
getting harder now I have a son and work committments on the increase.

Which reminds me - I plan on having another Irish Piss-up (its never really
a show, as we spend more time at the pub that the show venue) at the end of
August. I will annouce dates soon, but can anybody attend this one? It was
really a traders only event last year except for John Hall and Hilary
O'Kelly (thanks guys!) but we (the traders) really enjoyed it because it
gave us all the chance to chat and have a laugh again, as we so rarely do
these days.  Great food, usually great weather, good accommodation, and
some great craic - what more do you want?

>We really need to start thinking about what the frequency and purpose of
>workshops should now be. The attendance at the last shows has been fairly
>low and frankly they are beginning to offer very little to the average QL
>user. Their main purpose now seems to be meeting old friends and updating
>software from the traders. There are now no talks, no demonstrations, few
>people bringing their own QLs, hardly anyone giving advice or asking
>This may be OK for the in-crowd, but not much use for people on the
>periphery of the QL community.

Well, I haven't done a demo to a crowd in years. But I still demo software
to individuals or two people at the stand, at least the smaller numbers
allow a more personal one on one approach to customers. Maybe we show try
to have a few more talks again, even if its on older software - or maybe a
Q&A session with all the traders and know-it-alls in attendance is a good

>The one place that still seems to have the golden touch is North America.
>What can we learn from them?

Well, having been at the two shows in Montreal and Washington, I would beg
to differ. There is still a lot of interest in the QL there, but a lot of
the QLers are finding it hard to get to shows, even the 1 per year. The USA
is a big place. At both the shows I attended, there was maybe a dozen
people (tops) there outside of the organisers and traders. I really missed
the chance to meet Phoebus this year (we've had some great phone
conversations in the past) but I couldn't afford it this year, only 6 weeks
after becoming a dad. I didn't make enough to cover the cost of the
accommodation let alone the plane tickets on both visits to the USA, but I
went to meet people and holiday too, visiting Niagra Falls and Washington
DC.  Again, the guys out there are a great bunch of people and I dearly
hope to make it next year with my family.

What really gets to me though is that Quanta haven't taken the opportunity
to do another big QL2000 style event next year - the year that the QL is 20
years old. It should have taken place on the launch day itself, 20 years to
the day. I remember the QL2000 event with great pride, it was a huge
success (and I made a profit!!), and that was because it was hyped up for
months beforehand. I would love to see a huge event next year (maybe the
AGM?) where we get the horizon centre or a similar venue again for a 2 day
event and cram it with every QLer out there... thats the sort of QL show
that makes it all worthwhile.  It would be worth doing just once more while
Quanta still have a few bob to do it, and while us traders can still walk
unaided without zimmer frames. :-))

>Geoff Wicks

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