On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The only middle ground that I can see is for the QL community, as a whole or part,
> get together, pass the hat and buy the rights to SMSQ/E from Tony Tebby.  At that
> point the new "owners" of SMSQ/E could then release SMSQ/E under the GPL.
> I would be willing to chip on some $$ to support the project.  I think it would be a
> worthy cause and help the QL community in the long run.
> Tim Swenson

I would also be willing to chip in some $$ also and it could possibly work in
one of 2 ways. Either buy the rights to put SMSQ/E under the GPL or pay Peter
to release his work under GPL for QDOS Classic or Minerva. If Quanta would put
in a substantial sum (why save any money at this point) then I bet we could
raise the rest. As far as I am concerned we need one thing only - practical
internet access. Everything else just slows the dwindling user base but that
would move us in the other direction. If it were for QDOS Classic that is fine
as more people could immediately be drawn in.

-- Bill

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