> > I would also be willing to chip in some $$ also and it could
> > work in one of 2 ways. Either buy the rights to put SMSQ/E under
the GPL
> > or pay Peter to release his work under GPL for QDOS Classic or
> This looks like a fundamental misunderstanding. I do not want any
> for my work.
> All the best
> Peter
How much of SMSQ/E for Qx0 is modular and how much "inbuilt" (i.e. has
to be rewritten every time a new SMSQ/E is released)?

Just wondering if making a new Q60 SMSQ/E would be a matter of bolting
on Q60 specific modules to standard SMSQ/E releases?

Alternatively, instead of forcing money he doesn't want onto Peter
Graf, an alternative approach might be to buy into Q60 SMSQ/E
maintenance, i.e. whoever is building and releasing the new SMSQ/E
gets paid to produce a Q60 version. That way, SMSQ/E for Qx0 remains
up to date and someone gets paid to produce the new releases alongside
the other versions.

Just a thought in passing to prevent all this rubbing salt into old
wounds and these matters going round and round in circles all the

The software Peter is producing seems too important to allow the
endless argument to get in the way.

Dilwyn Jones

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