Hi Jose,

thanks for your investigations on Google Map TMS support. I am not sure 
about the legal status of that approach. Probably it's not in the sense 
of Google. But as Google seems to have a very lax point of view on the 
topic I decided to add that XML to


until I get a complain from Google.

I did a few investigations on myself why the built-in tile server client 
does not work. The result, instead of a picture Google sends back HTML, 
telling me that the request is from a program not authorized to request 
tiles. :( As expected Google is not happy if we do that.


> On Thursday, 26 May 2011, at 21:55:38 +0200,
> Oliver Eichler wrote:
>> These are error messages from GDAL. And yes it is slow. GDAL does not
>> cache the tiles and it blocks until the complete screen is read. That is
>> why QLGT has it's own tile server support.
> Well, as it seems I was unable to make the tile server support introduced in
> QLGT 1.1.2 work as expected with custom URL, I took another (apparently
> unexplored) route: taking advantage of GDAL's WMS/TMS support to real-time
> load map data from remote servers, according to an XML definition as
> described on the following URL:
> http://www.gdal.org/frmt_wms.html
> Which, as I understand it, links to the following paragraph from your last 
> post:
>> Forget about  WMS_CLIENT. That is old code. It's not functional in any
>> way. It's just there because I did not clean up so far. WMS support is
>> done 100% by GDAL. From QLGT's point if view it's just another map
>> format supported by GDAL.
> So the support for remote WMS/TMS in QLGT thanks to support for them in
> recent GDAL versions seems known and expected but, as far as I have been
> able to see, scarcely used, if at all. See the following inline GDAL XML
> definition for Google map services I've been successfully using:
> <!-- Data is subject to term of use detailed at 
> http://code.google.com/intl/nl/apis/maps/terms.html and
>       http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/help/terms_maps.html -->
>      <Service name="TMS">
>       <!-- Google Map -->
> <ServerUrl>http://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@155000000&hl=es&x=${x}&y=${y}&z=${z}&s=Gali</ServerUrl>
>       <!-- Google Streets -->
> <!--<ServerUrl>http://mt.google.com/vt/lyrs=h@155000000&hl=es&amp;x=${x}&amp;y=${y}&amp;z=${z}</ServerUrl>
>   -->
>       <!-- Google Satellite -->
> <!--<ServerUrl>http://khm0.google.es/kh/v=86&x=${x}&s=&y=${y}&z=${z}&s=</ServerUrl>
>   -->
>      </Service>
>      <DataWindow>
>          <UpperLeftX>-20037508.34</UpperLeftX>
>          <UpperLeftY>20037508.34</UpperLeftY>
>          <LowerRightX>20037508.34</LowerRightX>
>          <LowerRightY>-20037508.34</LowerRightY>
>          <TileLevel>20</TileLevel>
>          <TileCountX>1</TileCountX>
>          <TileCountY>1</TileCountY>
>          <YOrigin>top</YOrigin>
>      </DataWindow>
>      <Projection>EPSG:900913</Projection>
>      <BlockSizeX>256</BlockSizeX>
>      <BlockSizeY>256</BlockSizeY>
>      <BandsCount>3</BandsCount>
>      <MaxConnections>5</MaxConnections>
>      <Cache />
>  From inside QLGT, if you "File" ->  "Load Map" and select the above XML
> file, you get a real-time Google Maps raster layer quite useable and with
> zoom and image resolution adapting fine to QLGT zoom levels (and checking
> "quadratic zoom", one on my previous complaints is gone).
> Furthermore, it seems (recent) GDAL versions have a working caching
> mechanism (see the GDAL URL above) I have been experimenting with
> successfully. A block like the following added to the XML GDAL file for the
> map resource speeds things up (a lot), and helps reduce network load:
>          <Cache>
>                  <Path>/tmp/gdalwmscache</Path>
>                  <Depth>2</Depth>
>                  <Extension>.jpg</Extension>
>          </Cache>
> Although this real time raster layer support is far from perfect, it is a
> very important feature that enables the use of QLGT for people used to more
> featured programs. The only severe problem I have noticed so far is if I
> try to overlay a Garmin vector map on top, no matter what I try, the
> program starts eating memory like crazy, until it ends up crashing due to
> an out of memory condition (seems to die by itself, Linux out of memory
> killer seems not to kick in).
> I don't know if all the above information is well known, but at least I was
> unable to find if that was possible or not, and could deserve a place into
> the wiki or on the "features" page for the program. A way to see if there
> is a remote WMS/TMS being used from QLGT would also be nice (currently
> there seems to be no way to tell if there is any WMS/TMS in use).
> Anyway, great piece of software. Nice, and getting better.
> Hope it helps. Greetings,
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