Hey there guys,

    Got a question for ya this morning.

Qmail traditionally logs all pop3 transactions in /var/log/maillog using
syslog or whatever it is.

I want to have multilog handle all logfile entries for qmail-pop3d, and have
all output recorded to /var/log/qmail/qmail-pop3d/ in maillog format.

However, (I am using daemontools and service scripts) I can not get output
to be recorded there.

This is what my /service/pop3d/log/run file contains;
exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t

And it does not seem to do the trick.  The old /service/pop3d/run file

. /usr/share/qmail/log-functions

As you can see, referencing to /log-functions but I am not sure of the exact
string I need in the new run file to make it all work.

Any ideas?



P.S. Thanks in advance...

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