Steve Ingraham wrote:

I need help with a problem.  Our users are seeing some multiple duplicate emails coming from the same sender.  This is not occurring with every email so there does not seem to be any pattern to which incoming emails will be duplicated and which ones won’t.  They are also reporting that duplicate emails are sent when they send to an outside email.  Has anyone experienced this problem before?  What could be causing this to occur and what can I do to stop this?  I am running qmailtoaster and spamassassin as an external email gateway.  There has been nothing changed with qmail but I did update some rules in SA using rules_du_jour yesterday.  Would these rules updates cause this problem?  If so, what would have changed?


Jake Vickers wrote:

If your system is low on resources (ie: RAM), then the spamd process can take too long, making Toaster think the mail got lost somewhere, so it resends it.
Might want to check and see how much RAM you're using.


I want to thank everyone who posted a reply on my inquiry.  I believe Jake Vickers was right about the problem.  The RAM on the email server was bogged down since yesterday when I updated the various .cf files using rules_du_jour.  I had included just a handful of rules from RDJ but it appears that RDJ utilizes much too much of my server resources to use it to update my spamassassin rules.  It was slowing down the server so much that simple functions were not responding.  This appears to have affected the delivery of emails.  In fact I noticed that my original message to these mail lists took several hours to post and were duplicated also.  I resolved the problem by moving the various rules .cf files out of the /etc/mail/spamassassin folder and restarting spamassassin.


If anyone has a simple way of updating rules for spamassassin I would welcome your input.  I still need to update the rules as I have been getting a great number of emails coming through to users.  Specifically, we are getting a lot of the pharmaceutical spam and the stock spam.


Again, thanks to everyone for the posts.

Steve Ingraham

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