Anil Aliyan wrote:
Dear All, I have setup DKIM as per instution in the DKIM video. Everything is setup correctly but still when i see mail hearders on yahoo or gmail i see Authentication-Results:; domainkeys=pass (ok);; *dkim=permerror (no key)* ** *Secondly, for domain keys it says *from=**; domainkeys=pass (ok);
*and for DKIM is says* from=**; *dkim=permerror (no key)*
why is says from=? different in both the cases in domainkeys its and in DKIM its When recipient mail server verifies the key it might be looking for the domain name instead of hostname+domain name. DKIM reads the domain name from the me file in control dir, if i am not wrong. while Domain keys only selects the actual domain name from the email address or sending mailserver. DKIM-Signature:
v=1; a=rsa-sha1; c=simple;; h= message-id:reply-to:from:to:subject:date:mime-version :content-type; s=dkim1;

        a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=private;;

I have 5 virtual domains and if i use globalkey for the severs all maildomains will have samekey and every mail deliverd on yahoo will look for for public key. How can i setup dkim for individual domain. and how can i get as shown in RED above in both Signature headers. And is my DKIM entry in DNS is in the format given below, is it correct. I have simply copied it from the public.txt file and pasted into my dns, you can check the same from with dkim1 IN TXT "k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQD0KkrMRWFDOYr41TzzIDAzXVumAXtAXw4XthJPLZ22YwZhh2jtu1V7jnvrywT2aMhh03UdxrGlipI2waX2m1JyTxp5sy07Bgm4AvYZXtm90Jq74b6V7jZqF04ur9IoaN9HEUdaFeY5HeYgab53phMOvwX5UH8Z6qgj3rC7hWtQPwIDAQAB" Regards, Anil Aliyan

Show us your DKIM config file. I suspect you have something configured incorrectly there. The DKIM patch for Qmail will allow you to sign multiple domains individually (when configured correctly, Yahoo will look at each domain for the DKIM key). The patch will force you to use ONE key to sign the domains however. So you use the same hash to sign, but each domain will get a DNS entry and each domain will sign for itself by configuring the DKIM config file correctly.

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