Agree with Eric. Not many are using DMARC. I also have it on my Spamassassin 


> On Sep 28, 2019, at 10:28, Eric Broch < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hi Gary,
> If you have spf, and dkim set up the only other thing you might do is add a 
> dmarc record and make sure all servers sending email are included in you spf 
> record. I decided to allow spamassassin to check dkim as well and don't think 
> it would be wise to reject email in absence of such a record.
> Eric
> On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 8:07 AM Gary Bowling < 
> <>> wrote:
> The recent questions about setting up DKIM prompted me to review my setup and 
> see if I needed to tighten things up a bit. ALL of my config surrounding 
> these things is very old, so what are the best practices in 2019?
> On the receiving side of things, my server has spfbehavior set to 2 and I 
> believe the default is 3. I seem to recall many years ago having problems 
> rejecting email, that I didn't want rejected, with it set to 3. But that's 
> been so long ago, it's not worth considering. Do most of you have it set to 
> 3? And have you had any problems with that if you do?
> For DKIM receiving, I'm doing that in spamassassin/spamd. But it appears that 
> spamassassin just assigns a score if there is a DKIM_INVALID situation and 
> that score seems to be pretty low. Is       this really the right way to 
> handle receiving messages where DKIM is concerned? I'm sure there is a way to 
> increase the DKIM_INVALID score, but not sure of the ramifications of that. 
> Do any of you change those settings? Or do DKIM checking somewhere else for 
> improvements?
> On the outbound side of things. 
> For my DNS, I have SPF records that have been there for years, that affects 
> other domains receiving mail from my server. So not sure how much good it 
> does, but it's there.
> I do not have DKIM set up. Many years ago it seemed pretty useless from what 
> I read, so I didn't bother with it. From what I understand, if the receiving 
> end doesn't check for DKIM, then it does nothing. Or like in my servers case, 
> it just adds a tiny bit of score to spamassasin, so minimal help. But maybe 
> enough are doing something more robust now for it to be useful. Maybe I 
> should implement this now?
> What are everyone's thoughts on all this in 2019? Should I be doing stricter 
> checking of spf? Does DKIM actually provide a useful service? And are there 
> better ways to handle DKIM checking?
> All discussion and help is greatly appreciated!
> Thanks Gary 
> -- 
> ____________________
> Gary Bowling
> The Moderns on Spotify  <>
> ____________________
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