# cd /var/qmail/control/dkim
# openssl genrsa -out ./global.key 2048 && openssl rsa -in ./global.key -pubout -out ./temp.txt # cat ./temp.txt | grep -v - | tr -d '\n' | sed '1s/^/dkim1 IN TXT "k=rsa; p=/' &> ./public.txt && echo "\"" >> ./public.txt && rm ./temp.txt

On 7/30/2020 12:33 PM, Eric Broch wrote:

You can generate a key with openssl


I'll do a write up for this. Sorry

On 7/30/2020 12:30 PM, Charles Amstutz wrote:


I’m trying to follow the steps on qmailtoaster’s dkim steps.

a.# dknewkey /var/qmail/control/dkim/global.key 1024 > /var/qmail/control/dkim/public.txt

b.# perl -pi -e 's/global.key._domainkey/dkim1/' /var/qmail/control/dkim/public.txt

I’m using centos 8. Everything is working fine except that I can’t locate dknewkey and  not sure if /var/qmail/control/dkim/global.key was supposed to be generated beforehand. As it is not there. Is dknewkey depreciated? Also, is global.key supposed to be there? I saw in one mailing list archive from 2017 (something like libdomainkeys) to install this package that no longer exists.

If it has been depreciated. Is there any replacement/updates.


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