
I use the following code to archive a "numeric-only" input:


// Check for "numeric-only" inputs
var _check = function(s)
  var nums = s.match( /\d+/g );
  if (nums) {
    return nums.join("");
  return "";

// A "numeric-only" input field
var element = qx.ui.form.TextField;
element.addEventListener("input", function(e) {
  var value = this.getComputedValue();
  var clean = _check(value);
  if (value != clean)
    this.setValue(null); // without this, the new value is not accepted :(
}, element);


Maybe there's a better way, but it works quite well for my purposes.


> Hi,
> I am trying to block the user entering non-number data on a number field.
> var yearsField = new qx.ui.form.TextField();
> yearsField .setLiveUpdate(true);
> var validator_int = qx.ui.form.TextField.createRegExpValidator(new
> RegExp('^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$'));
> yearsField .setValidator(validator_int);
> yearsField .addEventListener("keyup", function(evt) {
> //What should I put here so when the user types junk characters let's say
> 'A', we don't want to let it go the Text Filed value. We want to disable
> that
> ?????
> });
> Some farms don't let you type bad data at all. They let you type numbers
> only. I don't want to give a second chance to validate it and alert the user
> that the data is bad. I want to stop upfont.
> How can I achieve it using Qooxdoo?
> Thanks.
> Kanugula.

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