> Hi Peter,
> thank you for reporting. Martin is working on that issue, see bug report
> http://bugzilla.qooxdoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3477
> You can add yourself to CC to keep informed.
> Cheers,
> Chris

Sorry that I missed that bug...

By the way, my current "work-around" looks something like this:
  // Work-around: Form-renderer changes the message-IDs (appends " :")
  this.marktr("Längen :");
  this.marktr("Massen :");
  this.marktr("Leistungen :");
  this.marktr("Geschwindigkeiten :");
  // ---
I have to double the entries in the *.po files, but it is called a work-around,
isn't it ;)
Fortunately I did not have to set the 'required' property, too ;)


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