Hi John


One question regarding this passage in the README.md:

*NOTE*While QxCompiler is backward compatible with generate.py and does not require changes to your code, ES6 support requires that strict mode is enabled and this can introduce a few minor compatibility issues; also, QxCompiler uses a new trick for managing dependencies and for both of these reasons you must use my fork of Qooxdoo (https://github.com/johnspackman/qooxdooand use the*qxcompiler*branch). My fork is based on Qooxdoo 5.0.1.

Could you explain which changes where necessary in qooxdoo to make it work with your compiler? Would it maybe be possible to "document" those changes via a pull request against qooxdoo/qooxdoo?

Another question is related to browser compatibilities: are they changed/raised because of the ES6 and strict mode changes? Will it still run on IE8?


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