On Fri, 24 Apr 2009, Baltasar Cevc wrote:

On Apr 23, 2009, at 11:35 PM, Charlie Brady wrote:

I've just looked in git, and I see that the smtp-forward plugin is still the primitive one which makes no attempt to pass status codes back to the originator. This *will* cause you to lose mail.

Allan Joergensen made substantial changes to the plugin to fix that deficiency:


His patches are now 404, but I believe I have copies of his code, which I'll append below.

If it's still the old bad one, shouldn't we try to replace it in the trunk?

IMO, yes.

Do you happen to know Allans license?

No, but I have seen nothing to suggest that he wasn't providing a patch for redistribution. IANAL, but the patch may be small enough not to qualify for copyright restriction anyway.

Would that be possible? If not, I could try to create a new patch with similar functionality.

I doubt that is necessary.

Why do you think it should plug in earlier? Does the should mean must or does it mean it would just be nicer?

It would be nicer for the reasons you give below.

I would have said it really depends on the setup; if QP has access to the user database, it would be enough just to check whether relaying worked, otherwise I agree with you it would be wiser to check the recipients in an early stage (as that would be the only possibility to get the mail through for a part of the recipients.


Should the plugin maybe exist in one variant with user checks and in one without? Or have an option?

I don't see why you would ever not want to check for delivery possibility earlier.


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