On Thu, 21 May 2009, J wrote:
> I'll keep plugging at it :-/

Progress, I think.

I added back the "sh -c '...'" stuff to my run file, but without the other
stuff Charlie said shouldn't be there. Here's what I have now:

exec 2>&1 \
sh -c '
exec \
        /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 100000000 \
        /usr/bin/perl -T ./qpsmtpd-prefork \
        --port 25 \
        --port 587 \
        --children 30 \
        --idle-children 5 \
        --renice-parent 5 \
        --max-from-ip 10 \
        --user smtpd

This appears to work, for the most part. Apart from my manual test
connection being identified as an unauthorized relay attempt (this is not
fully configured, yet), there are two issues that I see:

1) The disconnection from the remote host (manual connection and 'quit')
leaves a process in the table:

./qpsmtpd-prefork [ : testlaptop : 16:16:03 2009-05-21]

It's been there for about 10 minutes, now, and shows no sign of going
anywhere, soon.

2) I was unable to connect to port 25 (Connection Refused). I checked with
'netstat' and found that port 25 was not being listened on. Is there still
a problem with prefork only being able to listen on a single port?



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