Jared Johnson wrote:
What's orphaned is not a child process, but a shared mem hash record for a
process which no longer exists. I suspect that code is racy.

Hrm, then if we're getting a whole lot of these, does this mean child processes are going away at a high rate? I wouldn't expect such a condition using prefork with relatively low concurrency, maybe this reflects a problem during the end of the connection..

Are you running latest version of prefork?

IIRC there was an issue with calculation of needed children, so if your current running children are all terminated at once, it could take some time before the parent notice this and spawns new.

Even if you're not near max children the parent will only spawn max idle children, then it sleeps until an event, wake-up and see if more children are needed. Debug log should give some clue, if this is the reason.

Latest version of prefork also handles a possible race better, the parent will detect a lock and reset shared memory.

Best regards,
Diego d'Ambra

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