On Wed, 3 Jun 2009, Ask Bj?rn Hansen wrote:

> On Jun 3, 2009, at 13:26, b-sub-3eaf...@rope.net wrote:
> > Interesting (but not related) - I found a message that was obviously a mix
> > between two different senders, via prefork.
> It's odd (and frustrating) that you have so much trouble with prefork.   Did
> you try using the regular fork server instead?  I suspect that's the most
> commonly used "transport" and thus very well tested.

Yes, I switched and am now running forkserver, again. However, still have
some issues. Looks like (as previously reported) some modules are not
being run properly. Also, some modules are not functioning as they should
- these would be some customized ones - for example, I have one that pulls
the remote host from the ENV, but it ends up containing "RCPT TO: <[addr]>"

I have no explanation for this different behavior.

I am actually set to swap in the 0.32 forkserver, which I was running
until last night, and see if that will work on this new server. If that
works, I will be happy, and then I can see about testing further on a
system and getting each module fully tested with the newer release(s).

(But auth is a pretty standard module, and simply doesn't seem to be
called consistently. I have no explanation.)


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