
Upcoming Symbian update will bring possibility to use split-screen virtual 
keyboard on Symbian with Qt. Plan is to do simple automatic mechanism for 
Symbian to ensure cursor visibility. For example on orientation change QML 
application usually re-layouts. It cannot be guaranteed that mechanism works 
flawlessly on complex re-layout. Reasonable way to take in a count half screen 
vkb on QML application is API stating needed information about vkb. That way 
application itself can re-layout to accommodate vkb.

Here is my proposal:

InputContext {
    signal open
    signal closed
    signal onRectangleChanged
    property rectangle rectangle // vkb rectangle in scene coordinates
    property bool automaticEnsureVisible // For disabling platform automation

Comments and thought appreciated

Symbian style qt-components team

Samuel Nevala
Qt-components mailing list

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