I also noticed that while 'configure' accepts -prefix, it does not 
affect install.

"make install" tries to install to /usr/lib/qt4/import ignoring the -prefix.

How is one supposed to compile both Qt and qt-components so that they 
make a coherent whole and run together?


On 11/07/2011 09:05 PM, Harri Pasanen wrote:
> Hi,
> I compiled my own Qt 4.7.4 on linux (kubuntu 11.04 amd64) with 
> debugging enabled, as I wanted to trace what is going on under the hood.
> I'm targeting mainly Symbian and Meego, but I'm happy to test on desktop.
> Trying to run my QML test app, it coughed up a message:
> module "com.nokia.symbian" is not installed
> After some googling I did
> git clone git://gitorious.org/qt-components/qt-components.git
> cd qt-components
> /configure -prefix ~/qt474debug/ -symbian
> make
> But the compilation fails with message:
> plugin.cpp: In function ‘void tryToDisableSystemRotation(const 
> QDeclarativeEngine*)’:
> plugin.cpp:89:35: error: ‘WA_SymbianNoSystemRotation’ is not a member 
> of ‘Qt’
> As the Qt SDK versions run fine with import com.nokia.symbian, I 
> fanthom there is a way to make it compile on Linux, but ./configure -h 
> did not point the way.
> So I joined this mailing searching the light.
> Any hints?
> Thanks,
> Harri

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