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On 03/14/2012 05:30 PM, Sven Anderson wrote:
> Hi,
> since our platform has no "native" widgets, I'm looking for a platform
> independent component collection, that is "themeable" or adaptable to
> some extend, but not as heavy as the colibri framework. I hoped that Qt
> Components offers this, but it seems from the documentation fragments I
> could find, that it only offers components for native styles of symbian
> and meego.
> So, my question is, is it worth to extract and use the platform
> independent parts of Qt Components, or is there not much left then in
> the end?
> And is something platform independent planned for Qt Components, or is
> it only targeted to mimic the look and feel of native platform widgets?
> I would really appreciate some directions. :-)
> Thanks a lot,
> Sven
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