
You have found a bug. The ToolButton highlight is currently not shown if the 
button is pre-checked. I will fix it but it will take quite a while before the 
fix is released through an update to the Symbian devices. Unfortunately I 
cannot find any easy workaround for the issue so the only way to fix it in your 
case is to implement your own highlight or ToolButton. You can find the source 
for our implementation as well as the images used from our git-repository:


From: qt-components-bounces+ext-mikael.fagerlund=nokia....@qt.nokia.com 
[mailto:qt-components-bounces+ext-mikael.fagerlund=nokia....@qt.nokia.com] On 
Behalf Of ext ??
Sent: 24 March, 2012 11:28
To: qt-components@qt.nokia.com
Subject: [Qt-components] ToolButton of Qt Symbian Component: checked property 
does not work as preset


As it says in

If checked is false, the button appears as normal or "up". If checkable and 
checked are both true, and the button is not being pressed, the button appears 
as "down" or "checked".

Note: if checkable is true, the value of checked will be updated dynamically as 
the button is pressed and released.

Note: If the button contains just an icon, and the flat property is true, the 
checked button will have a distinctive appearance (when not pressed), whilst 
still appearing to be flat.
However, in my code, when the app runs, either of the ToolButtons show the 
checked state, which is a lightbeam behind the icon of toobar.
The muteToolButton needs to press once to show the checked state. This is 
The vibrationToolButton needs to press twice to show the checked state, first 
is unchecked, second is checked. This is not correct. The checked state is 
supposed to show with the app launches.

Any ideas?

My code:
import QtQuick 1.1

import com.nokia.symbian 1.1

PageStackWindow {

    id: window

    initialPage: MainPage { x: 0; y: 0;tools: toolBarLayout }

    showToolBar: true

    ToolBarLayout {

        id: toolBarLayout

        ToolButton {

            flat: true

            iconSource: "toolbar-back"

            onClicked: window.pageStack.depth <= 1 ? Qt.quit() : 


        ToolButton {


            flat: true

            iconSource: "mute.svg"

            checkable: true

            checked: false


        ToolButton {


            flat: true

            iconSource: "vibrate.svg"

            checkable: true

            checked: true


        ToolButton {


            iconSource: "about.svg"

            onClicked: aboutDialog.open()





Owen Zhao
Qt-components mailing list

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