On Saturday 25 April 2009 03:27:10 ext Karl Robillard wrote:
> > you can just enter stuff into the gdb input pane and press ctrl-enter in
> > that line. 
> This seems pretty useless in it's current state.  I need a normal command 
> line 
> where commands can be typed at a prompt (with history) and get responses in 
> the same window (and without all the communication garbage Creator prints).  
> It doesn't look like the GUI even knows anything about what the ctrl-enter 
> commands do.  If I step or set a breakpoint, the GUI does not update.

Of course not.

> Also, where does stdout go?  I'm debugging a command line program and I don't 
> see the output in the 'Application Output' window.   In DDD, stdout goes into 
> the command line window by default, so you can't fail to see it.  It seems 
> bizarre that basic stuff like seeing the output of my program is hidden away 
> somewhere by Creator.

Then, please, stick to ddd. It's perfect for you.

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