On Thu, 9 Jun 2005, Jeff Walther wrote:

Anybody recognize this: <http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=4604&item=5206968963&rd=1>?

It looks like it plugs into a Quadra PDS slot, but it also appears to have a 68040 chip on board. So what would be the point?

Jeff Walther

The Quadra 700 and 900 were only 25Mhz when introduced, and the Quad040/Image040 were 68040 PDS upgrade cards that would take the machines to 40Mhz and could also take a daughtercard with two of the AT&T DSPs that were used in the 660AV and 840AV. However, those DSPs were not recognized by the OS the way there were on the 660 and 840, but they could be used with Photoshop as filter accelerators with special plug-ins.

Later on companies like Sonnet and MicroMac developed CPU socket upgrades that let you put a 50Mhz 68040 into a 25Mhz socket thanks to some additional circuitry, however the bus timing issues caused some side-effects like the floppy drive no longer working. AFAIK the Quad/Image040 never suffered from problems like that.

- Nate

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