
Today is a phantastic day as qubes 4.2 came out and do I am configuring a
laptop to order for it today.

>From a security point of view, it seems best to me to have webcam,
microphone, wlan and (optional) Bluetooth all via external usb devices, so
that they do not need to be blobs in the bios and so that I can make sure
that they are switched off when I don’t want them. I guess that this would
be the recommended practice by the qubes team as well?

So the big question is wether qubes 4.2 fully supports such a setup? Also,
I see that there is the option to merge the net qubes and the usb qubes
into one at installation time. Would that be the recommended configuration
for using usb wlan dongles?

All the best
Kai Froeb, São Martinho de Porto

 This email was sent from my smartphone, so I apologise for the brevity and
any clerical errors.

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