"Steve Kostecke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On 2008-03-11, Maarten Wiltink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> As a software guy, I've wondered before about the monolithic nature of
>> the NTP package. Splitting it into a client and server part might make
>> some people (think OpenBSD) very happy.
> There is considerable overlap between an "NTP Client" and an "NTP
> Server".
> "NTP Clients" and "NTP Servers" both:
> 1. Poll time sources (e.g. "NTP Servers", ref-clocks)
> 2. Discipline the system clock

This _is_ what I'd call the 'client part'. The server part would
assume or require that the clock is being disciplined by a client

> 3. Utilize NTP Authentication

You may have a point there. But I have a feeling that they use it
differently, one as a client and one as a server. (No surprise there.)

>> The objection when raised earlier was that the server may be asked for
>> statistics about things that happen in the client; ISTM this could be
>> solved.
> By adding another layer of complexity ...

Yes. Decoupling always adds complexity at the interface. But as a software
guy I appreciate the focus it adds to the decoupled modules.

>> Also, the much-sought feature of re-resolving dried up associations
>> could be done from a cron job with ntpq/ntpdc. Determining for certain
>> what configuration to use might be a problem.
> A 're-resolve' command in ntpq would be useful.

I don't have the details handy, but aren't there already commands to
remove and create associations? Probably only in ntpdc, though.

Maarten Wiltink

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