In article <>,
 Chris Albertson <> writes:

>Could this be automated?  Maybe, to some degree.  The reference clock
>driver would need to have a "survey mode" setting where it would run
>for many hours and compare it's own time to others.  NTP does this
>already, almost,  what it lacks is a way to capture the measured
>offset and fold it back to a config file.

If you run the to-be-calibrated server in noselect mode, it
won't pollute your local clock.

If you turn on peerstats, you can get lots of data about how far
off that clock is.  That assumes your local clock is correct.

If you believe that the PPS is correct, you only have to get
the NMEA text close-enough.  You can easily get there using typical
network connections.

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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