On 1/23/2014 8:06 AM, Marco Marongiu wrote:
If you have just two references, the step 2) doesn't bring you anywhere
as it is impossible to reach a majority. It's like you're skipping step
2), and the results lose accuracy.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but if you have two servers and one of them has the correct time and one is way off, with only two servers the one that is far off is just as likely to be chosen as the correct one. Worse still is you are subject to "clock hopping", where each of the two servers are chosen alternately. Most news versions of NTP have a certain amount of server "stickiness" built in to suppress clock hopping, but it can still occur, especially if your servers reboot frequently. Clock hopping can destabilize the frequency correction feedback loop which in turn can lead to increasingly large clock offsets. Not what you want.

Brian Utterback
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