Thank you very much!

===[George Kasica]===
Netwrx Consulting
Jackson, WI
On Jun 14, 2021, 09:03 -0500, Martin Burnicki <>, 
George R. Kasica wrote:
I’ve used NTP as a time server since at least 2013 when I set up 3
raspberry pis with go’s antennas - actually Anthony Stirk at Nevis
Corp. Built them and configured them since I had a severe auto crash
and the resulting concussion limited how long I could stare at a
screen - anyway my question is what are the meanings and acceptable
values for the server 127.x.y.z and the various commands. I’ve looked
all over NTP docs and searches and I’m unable to find any good info.
A pointer to the info is fine or a description of what can go there.
The pseudo IP addresses 127.127.y.z are used by ntpd to configure a
hardware reference clock. There are quite a few drivers numbered from 0
to n, and the driver number is used for "y".

Each driver may support several clocks with different protocols, and "z"
refers to an instance number (usually 0..3) to distinguish between
several hardware devices that use the same driver type.

For example, 127.127.8.z refers to the generic parse driver which
supports a couple of different hardware devices, and is described here:

Note the number "8" in the page URL refers to the "8" in 127.127.8.z.

An overview can be found here:


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